Hello again beautiful people, I hope you all are having a great start to the weekend. I know i've been MIA a lot on my social media and blog posts but thats because I've been dealing with minor health issues lately. Thank God gradually I'm getting better and YAY tomorrow is my birthday, I don't have any really crazy plans laid out yet besides a quite dinner with family and a friend or two (boring I know) but my main concern now is getting better. Nevertheless a huge Yayyy for tomorrow and Happy Fathers Day to all the dads, If you're a dad and read my blog and to my dad also whose Birthday was a couple of days ago #GeminisRule lol.


So, I found this really cute wall while out shopping with a friend in Somerville Boston and I just had to take photos there. I'm wearing this super comfortable bell sleeve top from SheIn and Zara shorts although you can barely see them. I paired it with these also really comfortable flats I picked up at target the other day while out shopping with my mom. I have a couple of these flats but not any in that gorgeous color, I just had to have it.


I'll link similar items below since almost everything I'm wearing besides the flats is sold out. I hope you enjoyed the post and Happy Birthday to me tomorrow and also to everyone else whose birthday is tomorrow.

PS. Can anyone guess how old I will be tomorrow?!

Hint: Not a day over 21 ( Inserts a winking smiley face lol )

Thanks for reading. XO - B